Yet according to the story, the couple were known to have died two years ago due to railway accidents. Location deaths of the couple, exactly as it appears in a photograph that is now being circulated in Singapore.
Ghosts at the railway station of Bukit Timah, Singapore.
As reported by The Star, a journalist named Lianhe Wanbao Zheng Jia Xin, said a friend took photos with the background of a pair of lovers are talking in the train station of Bukit Timah, Singapore, on Tuesday night, last week. But when she checked the photo in the home, the couple who difotonya not a partner in the photo.
On another occasion, a Singaporean citizen named Liao Ting Yao (27) intentionally walked the haunted rails alone, Yao intentionally take photos from several angles and railway station is.
When he saw the results jepretannya, Yao was shocked. Because when she took the photos, he was sure none of the people there. However, the print photograph, showing two men was cordial conversation while sitting on the railroad tracks. This photo, which now became a sensation in Singapore.
According to the story, the couple died in a train accident at that location about two years ago. The ghost always appeared within two years
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