Before going any further with the differences in both camps, we as Muslims should know dasar2nya they use. Do not just ikut2an, and must not also choose the fastest.
Legal Basis
Actually the same legal basis, from the Hadith:- Hadith of Abi Hurayrah, he said:
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Fast when you see it because (hilal) and eat as see it (the new moon of Shawwal). If you are prevented cloud, then complete the thirty days of Sha'ban. "(Bukhari HSR. 4 / 106, and Muslims in 1081) - Hadith of Ibn Abbas radhiallahu 'anhuma:
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Do not precede the month of Ramadan by fasting a day or two unless someone among you who used to fast to him. And do not fast until you see it (the new moon of Shawwal). If he (hilal) blocked the clouds, then complete the number thirty days later berbukalah (Eid ul-Fitr) and one month was 29 days. "(Narrated by Abu Dawud 2327, An-Nasa'i 1 / 302, At-Tirmidhi 1 / 133 Al-Hakim 1 / 425, and in his Saheeh by Al-Hakim sanadnya and approved by the Adh-Dzahabi) - Hadeeth of 'Adi bin Hatim radhiallahu' anhu:
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "When Ramadan comes, amka fasted 30 days unless before that you saw the new moon." (Narrated by At-Thahawi in Musykilul atsar 105, Ahmad 4 / 377, Ath-Tabaraani in Ak-Kabir 17 / 171 and others) - Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said:
"Puasalah of seeing (hilal) and eat as see it. If you complete the clouds blocking the thirty days. If two witnesses testify (ru'yah moon) then fasted and eat you for that. "(Narrated by An-Nasa'i 4 / 132, Ahmad 4 / 321, Ad-Daruquthni, 2 / 167, from Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin al -Khattab from the friends of Allah, Hasan sanadnya. Such information Shaikh Salim al-Hilali and Ali Hasan Sheikh. See Shifatus shaum Prophet, p.. 29)
Interpretation Differences
But both have different interpretations. NU argues that kata2 seen in the hadith is seen directly. But Muhammadiyah believes that the word liru'yatihi (see it), not only meaningful to see with the naked eye. However ra'a said, could be interpreted to think. Therefore, they claim even that wa history narrations include lafadz ra'a, can be interpreted by, thinking, or it could mean the beginning of the month with bolehnya set reckoning.And they will not be able to meet the water and oil tanks. Even according to my friend, Ust. Noval, each has a very high ego. If the Ustad of NU explained this problem in a lecture or lectures, almost certainly will increase the portion of illumination using rukyat than reckoning. Neither the contrary.
Difficulties in Rukyat and Hisab
Rukyat It was very difficult and individualized. Very hard to see the moon with the tool, especially with the naked eye. Because the moon appears only a few minutes. Why individual? According Ust.Ahmad Mukarom, first in hilal team rukyatul eastern Java, there are never claimed and has vowed to see the moon. And there is also a friend who saw it as well but just a blink of an eye. However, after investigation it turns out to be seen is the light ports. Which was on every afternoon emit flickering light. There is also a story, when the new moon rukyatul training, there are people who managed to see it, then he pointed to the moon and said "You know, That". But many are still blank, where the hell? And after awhile another new look, "oo .. it ".However, Hisabpun also not without loopholes. Perhitungan2 done quite a lot of versions. Some argue that the moon can be seen at an angle of 7 degrees, there are 10 degrees, but some are saying 11, some 11.5, etc.. there are dozens of references berbeda2 in determining the corner. There are even some scholars who are still using the ancient astronomical calculations. And there is no standard in this calculation.
Using the interpretation of the Prophet and the Companions
Actually the problem of determining the beginning and end of Ramadan fasting is quite clear. If in my previous tulisan2 impressed me more critical of NU, for example the problem of heresy pronunciation Sodaqallahul Adzim , this time I was more impartial NU. Because I did not side with any organization. And just to follow what is in the Qur'an and Sunnah to the interpretation of the Prophet and his companions.It is argued that kata2 ra'a Muhammadiyah could be interpreted to think. That is by using the reckoning. However, if the Prophet and his companions interpreted that way? Of course not. Let us refer to the last will of Allah, in the hadith narrated by Abu Daud (4607), Tirmidhi (2676), Ibn Majah (43-44), Ahmad, etc:
Word of the Prophet Muhammad: 'I told to you so devoted to God Almighty sentiasa wajalla and hear and obey even if to a servant who rule over you. Those who still live among you will see a lot of disputes. Therefore be ye cling to sunnahku and Caliph Al-Sunnah and Al-Mahdiyyin Rasyiddin the guidance (of Allah) and gigitlah it with your molar teeth (sticking with it and never released it Sunnah-Sunnah). And shun you from pekara-pekara held, for verily every innovation is misleading. "
So when interpreting the Qur'an and Sunnah should use the interpretation of the Prophet and the Khulafaur Rasyiddin, not the interpretation of the organization or individual interpretation, it would be easy.
In addition to the hadith no.4 also is a sentence, "If you complete the clouds blocking the thirty days.". Lafadz This clearly shows that ru. ru'yat means to see with the naked eye, not a reckoning. Since when there are clouds that may block the mind?
Allahua'lam bishowab.
Following Day unites with the Government
The explanation above is the new NU and Muhammadiyah, which is the largest mass organization in Indonesia. Not to mention followed by the Right, Al-Ershad, Hizb ut-Tahrir, etc.. Every organizations has masing2 view. Each of these organizations have a right to feel as if the authority to set a date first date first Ramadan and Syawal. At least for their own constituencies. Something that never happened in many other Islamic countries. There, the affairs of such determination that the government handed over 100%. Each of these organizations have never felt entitled to define itself. And the funny thing, not just organizations that are often not compact with the government, but in one common mass was sometimes not compact as well. For example, when the DPP said that a certain mass, not necessarily the DPW or DPC DPD and its says A. Each of its structure down sometimesstill feel smarter to set his own schedule of fasting.
In addition, there are also organizations that always have its main office to schedule fasting in Saudi Arabia. Want any Eid day, probably substantially participate Saudi.Bahkan because so spirit of ijtihad, there are organizations are up to advise the government not to have to intervene in this matter.
This happens when the government less firmly against the organizations, and communities divided by the ormas2.
As word of the Prophet:
"Fasting was the day when you completely fasting, Iedlul ul-Fitr is a day where all you guys breaking (ie no longer fast-pent.) And Iedlul Adha is a day when you all sacrificial slaughter." (Narrated by Tirmidhi from Abu Hurairah, with Tuhfatul Ahwadzi, 2 / 37)
Ibn al-Qayyim in Tahdzibu as-Sunan, 3 / 214: "It is said that in this hadith there is rebuttal to those who say:" Surely anyone who saw the emergence of Crescent moon by measuring the reckoning or counting places of publication, allowed him to fast and beriedlul Fitr itself , does not like people who do not know ". It is said that one who sees the moon alone, but the judge did not accept persaksiannya, then he should not fast as humans is not yet fast ". (See Genealogy of al-ash-Saheehah Ahaadits, Shaykh Muhammad al-Albani Nashiruddin)
Similarly, of course, who see the Shawwal moon alone, but authorities did not accept persaksiannya, then he should not be days and holidays alone.
Said Abul Hasan as-Sindi in a footnote to Sunan Ibn Majah, after mentioning the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah narrated above as follows: "It seems that the meaning of this hadith is that matters are not the right individuals a certain person. And should not someone be alone in this problem, but this matter is returned to the priest and the congregation of the Muslims entirely. Mandatory for every person to follow most of mankind and its ruler. Thus if a person sees the new moon, but the authorities refused, then she should not not specify matters had on him alone, otherwise obligatory for him to follow most of mankind ". (See Genealogy of al-ash-Saheehah Ahaadits, Shaykh Muhammad al-Albani Nashiruddin)
Abiding by the Command Leader
"Anyone who has obeyed God obey means. Whoever is against me have been against God. Anyone who obey the leader (the people) is already obey me, and whoever opposed the leaders (the people) I mean has been against me. "(Narrated by al-Bukhari and Muslim, from the companions of Abu Hurayrah)Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar Al-'Asqalani said: "In this hadith there is a description of the obligation to obey the rulers in matters that are not disobedience. The silver lining is to maintain unity and togetherness (Muslims), because in the split there is damage. "(Fathul Bari, Juz 13, p.. 120)
"O you who believe, obey Allah and His Messenger, and Ulil Amri of you." (An-Nisa ': 59)
Al-Imam An-Nawawi said: "What is meant by Ulil Amri are those who Allaah enjoined to obey the rulers and leaders among the people. This is the opinion of the majority of past and present scholars of tafsir and fiqh among experts and others. "(Sharh Sahih Muslim, chapters 12, p.. 222)
The command to obey the ruler are continuing even though the ruler dhalim or wicked
Lots orang2 who do not obey the government, arguing the government of Indonesia is a secular government. The statement was not unfounded at all. Never mind the secular, fasikpun dhalim and we still have to follow him, for not taking into munkar. Here is the opinion of some scholars that obliges us to obey the government.Imam ash-Shabuni said: "Ahlul Hadith argued to uphold the Friday prayers and the two feasts and other prayers of the congregation behind every good Muslim ruler or even evil. And argues for a jihad to fight the infidels with them, even though the ruler dhalim and evil ".
Imam al-Barbahari said: "Know that evil rulers that God does not reduce the obligation enjoined by the oral His prophet. His crime for themselves, whereas obedience and kindness remain with her perfect-God willing. That is goodness in the form of prayers prayers, Friday and jihad with them and everything from obedience done with them, then the reward according to your intentions. " (Syarhus Sunnah, al-Barbahari, p.. 116)
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "And they (Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah) order to the doing good and preventing it from being unjust in accordance with what is required by Shari'ah. They argued to uphold the Hajj, Friday prayers, and feasts with the rulers, whether they are good people or bad people. And argued to uphold the congregation prayer, jihad and enforce advice to the people ". (Aqidah Wasithiyah, Ibn Taymiyyah, p.. 257)
Said Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen when explaining greeting Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah on the following: "They (the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama'ah) argued to uphold the Hajj along with the rulers even though they were wicked. The wine even though they drank while on Hajj. They do not say: "This is a priest faajir, we would not accept his leadership." Because they argue that the authorities are obliged to obey even if they are wicked, for his wickedness, did not lead to a clear disbelief at the sight of Allah that we have proof ... ". (Sharh al-Aqeedah al-Washithiyah, Shaykh Uthaymeen, juz to-2, pg. 337)
He said also: "Likewise, upholding the holiday feasts with the rulers that they lead the prayers. Is he a good guy or bad guy. With this peaceful street, it is clear that Islam is a middle way between those who exaggerate and those who neglect ". (Sharh al-Aqeedah al-Washithiyah, Shaykh Uthaymeen, juz to-2, 336)
Fatwa-Fatwa Obligations Following the Feast Under Government
MUI Fatwa grain to two, stating that all Muslims in Indonesia must comply with provisions of the Government of Indonesia regarding the determination of the start of Ramadan, Shawwal and Dhu al-Hijjah.Fatwa Al-Lajnah Ad-Da `imah Lil-Al-'Ilmiyyah Buhuts wal-Ifta`: "... And it does not matter for the people of any country, if not see the new moon (moon Thabit) at his residence on the night of the 30th, to take ru `yatul hilal results from elsewhere in the country. If Muslims in the country differ in terms of determination, then that should be followed is the decision of authorities in the country when he was a Muslim, because (following) the decision will sirnalah dissent. And if the rulers are not a Muslim, then it should follow the decision of the panel / central departments in charge of the affairs of Muslims in the country. This is solely to keep the unity of Muslims in the running shaum Ramadan and Id prayers in their country. Wabillahit taufiq, washallallahu 'ala Muhammad wa alihi Nabiyyina shahbihi wa wa. "
Fatwa givers: ash-Shaykh Abdur Razzaq 'Afifi, ash-Shaykh Abdullah bin Ghudayyan, and ash-Shaykh Abdullah bin Mani'. (See Fataawa Ramadan things. 117)
Al-Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: "A person (should) bershaum with the authorities and the congregation (the majority) of Muslims, both when the weather is sunny or cloudy."
Ash-Shaykh al-Allamah Abdul Aziz bin Baz rahimahullahu was once asked: "If the initial entry of Ramadan has been announced in one Islamic country like the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, but in our country has not been announced, how the law? Are we together bershaum Kingdom of Saudi Arabia or bershaum and break the fast with the people of our country, whenever there are announcements? Similarly, the entry of Eid ul-Fitr, what should we do if there is a difference between our country with other countries? May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala reply to you with kindness. "
He replied: "Every Muslim should bershaum and break the fast together (government) their respective countries. It was based on the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
"Shaum Time on the day you (Muslims) bershaum, (time) is when you break the fast break, and (time) to sacrifice / Eid Al-Adha on the day of your sacrifice."
Wabillahit taufiq. (See Fataawa Ramadan things. 112)
Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Uthaymeen rahimahullahu asked: "Muslims outside the Islamic world are often at loggerheads in addressing various issues such as (determining) the entry and exit of Ramadan, and fight each other positions in the field of da'wah. This phenomenon occurs every year. It's just different sharpness levels each year. The main cause is the lack of religious knowledge, following the passions and fanaticism sometimes schools or parties, regardless of the signs of Islamic law and the guidance of famous scholars to science and his wara'. So, is there an advice that would be useful and can prevent (the) so ugly? May Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala give taufiq and guard unto thee. "
He said: "Muslims must unite and not be torn apart in a religious berpecah. As Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"He has mensyariatkan to you about religion, what have diwasiatkan unto Noah, and what We have wasiatkan thee, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, namely: 'Establish the religion and do not you berpecah apart about it'." (Ash- Shura: 13)
And many more, will be inefficient if I pour it all here. I think fatwa2 above can represent it.
Hopefully by streamlining the determination of the holiday under the government, would remove the divisions among Muslims. Amen.
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