Although green plants claimed to improve the environment, but there are some plants that have more value. For example, can inhibit pollution, bring in the birds, or show the level of air pollution. Here are some anti-pollution plants:
Bungur and Mahogany
Red Dadap 1.Pohon
This tree is either planted in the open, because it can invite the arrival of the birds. Because many species of birds love to eat the fruit of this red dadap.
2.Pohon Longan
Anyone know how good fruit flavors kelengkeng. But did you know that trees can reduce noise pollution kelengkeng. That is why the factories that use generators, it is better to plant this tree near the generator.
3.Pohon Bungur and Mahogany
Known to absorb air pollutants such as lead. Then these two trees should be planted for reforestation in the big cities, near a crowded street traffic protocol. It's no secret that vehicles become the largest contributor of lead in the air.
Conversely, trees such as acacia trees should not be used as a green lane. Why? because of the acacia to be one trigger of asthma. Likewise, a beautiful palm tree shape, not so beneficial.
4.Bunga Colors
Plants that refreshes the eye like colorful flowers are able to clear our minds, so that both planted in the hospital in order to mempecepat patient's recovery. These plants are clearly against the pollution of the soul.
Moss attached to the trunk capable of detecting levels of air pollution in a region. The more moss stuck in a tree means the better the quality of air in that place.
Betel 6.Tanaman Netherlands (Devil's Ivy)
Shrubs that can grow anywhere, including in pots in the yard is able to absorb formaldehyde and benzene. The result is fresh and the house was more relieved to breathe.
7.Kembang Shoes
Able to absorb nitrogen, making our lungs so relieved. But do occasionally planted hibiscus near space Radiography. These plants continue to function so that the radiation is harmful to people in the vicinity of these radiographs.
If hibiscus radiation continue to function, not so with this Sansevieria plants. Sansevieria able to absorb the 107 types of toxins, including air pollution, cigarette smoke (nicotine), until the nuclear radisi, so that would make a great refresher. Oya, cactus can also inhibit radiation.
9.Pohon Trembesi
Capable of absorbing large quantities of carbon dioxide, so it is recommended to be planted as a tree reforestation. However trambesi requires a wide area.
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