Adu duel between the space between the United States and the Soviet Union has long expired. But Russia, the largest fraction of the Soviet Union, continue the tradition of exploring the heavens. A private company in the country are even plans to build the first hotel in space.

Plan for construction of hotels outside of the Earth - 217 miles from Earth - was announced last August 15, 2011. The hotel can serve seven guests in four cabins. Each cabin has large windows, so guests can see the blue and the Earth rotates.
Let alone live, go to the hotel was an adventure. It took two days using a Soyuz rocket taking off. This is of course a vacation trip that supermahal. Five-day stay, guests must reach the pockets deep, between 100 thousand to 500 thousand pounds.
Hotel or a commercial space station has not got a name. The plan he will be operated starting in 2016. According to its maker, the station will be much more comfortable than on the International Space Station that is used by astronauts and cosmonauts.
Dalam kondisi non-gravitasi, para pengunjung bisa memilih, tidur secara horizontal atau vertikal. In the non-gravity conditions, visitors can choose, to sleep horizontally or vertically. Sementara, air mandi akan diatur sedemikian rupa agar tidak mengalir ke tempat yang tak seharusnya. Meanwhile, the water bath will be arranged in such a way as to not flow to places where they never should be. Sebab, tanpa gravitasi, air bisa mengalir ke segala arah. Because, without gravity, water can flow in all directions. Sementara di stasiun luar angkasa, para penghuninya harus membersihkan diri dengan spons mandi. While at the space station, the residents have to clean yourself with a sponge bath.

Para wisatawan tajir yang mampu membayar akan didampingi kru berpengalaman yang bertugas menghangatkan makanan -- yang disiapkan di Bumi dan dikirimkan ke hotel itu menggunakan roket. UNCLE HUSSAIN The tourists who can afford it will be accompanied by an experienced crew who served warm food - prepared at the Earth and sent to the hotel was using the rocket.
Pengelola hotel ruang angkasa berencana menyajikan makanan yang lebih baik: daging pipi sapi dan jamur liar, kedelai tumbuk, sup kentang, dan makanan penutup, plume compote. Space planning manager of the hotel serves better food: beef cheek meat and wild mushrooms, mashed soybeans, potato soup, and dessert, compote plume. Alih-alih makanan beku seperti yang dikonsumsi para astronot dan kosmonot. Instead of frozen foods as consumed by astronauts and cosmonauts.
Es teh, air mineral, dan jus buah juga akan disediakan. Iced tea, mineral water and fruit juice will also be provided. Namun, konsumsi alkohol dilarang keras. However, consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Sementara, penyiraman toilet akan menggunakan udara, bukan dengan air. Meanwhile, flush toilet will use air instead of water.
Semua limbah yang dihasilkan akan didaur ulang. All wastes generated will be recycled. Demikian pula dengan udara -- yang akan disaring untuk menghilangkan bau dan bakteri, lalu dikembalikan ke kabin. Similarly, the air - that will be filtered to remove odor and bacteria, and then returned to the cabin.
Sergei Kostenko, kepala eksekutif Orbital Technologies yang akan membangun hotel itu, menjamin tempat rekreasi yang mereka bangun tidak akan mengingatkan pada Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional. Sergei Kostenko, head of Orbital Technologies executive who will build the hotel, ensuring that they build a place of recreation will not be reminiscent of the International Space Station. "Sebuah hotel harus nyaman dan dimungkinkan melihat Bumi melalui jendera besar," kata dia, seperti dimuat Daily Mail . "A hotel should be convenient and possible to see Earth through jendera great," he said, such as the Daily Mail published.
Tak sembarang orang bisa singgah di hotel ini. Not just anyone can stop at this hotel. "Hotel ini ditujukan untuk para jutawan dan orang yang bekerja di perusahaan swasta yang ingin melakukan penelitian di luar angkasa.' "The hotel is intended for millionaires and people who work in private companies who want to do research in space."
Para tamu juga dimungkinkan untuk menjadi tuan rumah bagi tamu tak terduga. Guests also possible to be a guest host for the unexpected. Perusahaan berencana mengoperasikan hotel itu sebagai lokasi penyelamatan darurat bagi astronot Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional yang mengalami krisis. The company plans to operate the hotel as the location of emergency rescue for the International Space Station astronauts in crisis. (eh) (Eh)

• VIVAnews • VIVAnews
Plan for construction of hotels outside of the Earth - 217 miles from Earth - was announced last August 15, 2011. The hotel can serve seven guests in four cabins. Each cabin has large windows, so guests can see the blue and the Earth rotates.
Let alone live, go to the hotel was an adventure. It took two days using a Soyuz rocket taking off. This is of course a vacation trip that supermahal. Five-day stay, guests must reach the pockets deep, between 100 thousand to 500 thousand pounds.
Hotel or a commercial space station has not got a name. The plan he will be operated starting in 2016. According to its maker, the station will be much more comfortable than on the International Space Station that is used by astronauts and cosmonauts.
Dalam kondisi non-gravitasi, para pengunjung bisa memilih, tidur secara horizontal atau vertikal. In the non-gravity conditions, visitors can choose, to sleep horizontally or vertically. Sementara, air mandi akan diatur sedemikian rupa agar tidak mengalir ke tempat yang tak seharusnya. Meanwhile, the water bath will be arranged in such a way as to not flow to places where they never should be. Sebab, tanpa gravitasi, air bisa mengalir ke segala arah. Because, without gravity, water can flow in all directions. Sementara di stasiun luar angkasa, para penghuninya harus membersihkan diri dengan spons mandi. While at the space station, the residents have to clean yourself with a sponge bath.
Para wisatawan tajir yang mampu membayar akan didampingi kru berpengalaman yang bertugas menghangatkan makanan -- yang disiapkan di Bumi dan dikirimkan ke hotel itu menggunakan roket. UNCLE HUSSAIN The tourists who can afford it will be accompanied by an experienced crew who served warm food - prepared at the Earth and sent to the hotel was using the rocket.
Pengelola hotel ruang angkasa berencana menyajikan makanan yang lebih baik: daging pipi sapi dan jamur liar, kedelai tumbuk, sup kentang, dan makanan penutup, plume compote. Space planning manager of the hotel serves better food: beef cheek meat and wild mushrooms, mashed soybeans, potato soup, and dessert, compote plume. Alih-alih makanan beku seperti yang dikonsumsi para astronot dan kosmonot. Instead of frozen foods as consumed by astronauts and cosmonauts.
Es teh, air mineral, dan jus buah juga akan disediakan. Iced tea, mineral water and fruit juice will also be provided. Namun, konsumsi alkohol dilarang keras. However, consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited. Sementara, penyiraman toilet akan menggunakan udara, bukan dengan air. Meanwhile, flush toilet will use air instead of water.
Semua limbah yang dihasilkan akan didaur ulang. All wastes generated will be recycled. Demikian pula dengan udara -- yang akan disaring untuk menghilangkan bau dan bakteri, lalu dikembalikan ke kabin. Similarly, the air - that will be filtered to remove odor and bacteria, and then returned to the cabin.
Sergei Kostenko, kepala eksekutif Orbital Technologies yang akan membangun hotel itu, menjamin tempat rekreasi yang mereka bangun tidak akan mengingatkan pada Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional. Sergei Kostenko, head of Orbital Technologies executive who will build the hotel, ensuring that they build a place of recreation will not be reminiscent of the International Space Station. "Sebuah hotel harus nyaman dan dimungkinkan melihat Bumi melalui jendera besar," kata dia, seperti dimuat Daily Mail . "A hotel should be convenient and possible to see Earth through jendera great," he said, such as the Daily Mail published.
Tak sembarang orang bisa singgah di hotel ini. Not just anyone can stop at this hotel. "Hotel ini ditujukan untuk para jutawan dan orang yang bekerja di perusahaan swasta yang ingin melakukan penelitian di luar angkasa.' "The hotel is intended for millionaires and people who work in private companies who want to do research in space."
Para tamu juga dimungkinkan untuk menjadi tuan rumah bagi tamu tak terduga. Guests also possible to be a guest host for the unexpected. Perusahaan berencana mengoperasikan hotel itu sebagai lokasi penyelamatan darurat bagi astronot Stasiun Luar Angkasa Internasional yang mengalami krisis. The company plans to operate the hotel as the location of emergency rescue for the International Space Station astronauts in crisis. (eh) (Eh)
• VIVAnews • VIVAnews
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