Origins of History Bedug

History Bedug
Drum is always associated with the media call worship. There is the opinion of the drum traditions associated with Chinese culture. The existence Bedug forces associated with Cheng Ho's expeditions into the 15th century. Admiral Ming imperial envoy Muslims want the drum sounds in mosques, as well as the use of similar tools in Buddhist temples in China. There is also the opinion of the drum comes from the tradition of Chinese drums that spread to East Asia, then entered the archipelago.
But according to Drs M Dwi Cahyono, an archaeologist from the State University of Malang who conducted the study along with the drum in the Java team Sampoerna Hijau, in prehistoric times, our ancestors also had to know nekara and moko, a type of bronze drums. Use is associated with religion for rain.
Said Bedug also been alluded to in the song malate, a literary form of chant. Literature songs contain stories banner. Mahapahit generally written at the time, from the period 14-16 century AD. Malate is described in the Song, musical instrument drum membrafaon distinguished between large drum called TEG-TEG with a drum the size of the ordinary.
Drum at that time serves as a communication tool and a marker of time such as war, natural disaster, or other urgent things. Also rung to mark the arrival time. Then there are terms in the Java language: wis Wanci keteg. It means "already during the day" is taken from the time when tegteg sounded.
Cornelis De Houtman in the record his journey D'Eerste Boek witness the existence of the drum which is widespread in the 16th century. When the commander of the Dutch expedition arrived at Bantam, he describes at each intersection there is a drum that hung and rung using the bat that was placed next to it. Function as a time of danger signs and markers. This testimony clearly points to the drum.
Nevertheless, the influence of China was not denied. Judging from the construction, installation techniques ropes / pegs to attach to the vibrating membrane on a drum resonator Java, similar to the way in which the drum in East Asia such as Japan, China, or Korea. Other evidence seen in the appearance of terracotta statues found at the site Trowulan. Statues of soldiers faced Mongoloid looks beat-Tabang Tabang, a type of drum which affected the middle eastern culture. Chances are that the instruments are played the Chinese Muslims in the capital of Majapahit.
Interestingly, Tabang-Tabang actually a musical instrument that has existed since the Hindu-Buddhist. Inside was a strong influence of Indian culture and Islamic religion Semitic. However introduced and played by the Chinese Muslim community.
So, the drum can be said to be an example embodiment of acculturation waditra (membrafon musical instruments, in which it occurs fisiografis waditra membrafon ethnic mix of the archipelago with wadistra similar from the outside such as India, China and the Middle East.
At NU to-11 in Banjarmasin South Kalimantan 1936 re-confirmed the use of drum and kentongan, that the use of both devices are in the mosques is necessary to enlarge the symbols of Islam. With the decision was a modernist Islam attacks can be eliminated, and the use of the drum is maintained tradition.
In the New Order era when organizations begin NU pressed while Islamic modernists began to have a place, then "debedukisasi" do, so many historic drum-drum is missing and most digudangkan. Speakerisasi then developed a program, so that nearly every mosque that has been removed beduknya replaced by installing speakers on the tower or in the dome. Nu environment only mosque and Islamic groups such bermazhab Perti, Al Washliyah, Mathlaul Anwar and so on, or mosque that has not been taken by Islamist modernists remained on the drum. It menadji markers mosque run by Muslim bermazhab with modernist Islam that is not bermazhab.
Making way Bedug
At first, goats or cows skinned. Commonly made ​​of animal skin as a raw material such as skin drum goat, cow, buffalo and bison. White cowhide has a better quality compared with brown cowhide.
Therefore, a white cow skin is thicker than the skin of brown cows, so that the resulting sound will be different as well, durability is lower. Then, the skins are soaked in detergent water for about 5-10 minutes.
Do not be too long to prevent damage. Then, the skin is dried by means dipanteng (held) in order not to contract. Once dry, measured the diameter of wood that has been painted and will be made ​​drum. Seteleh completion is measured, the skin is attached to a wooden stump of wood that had been prepared.
The process of unification with the animal skin made ​​of wood with nails and some rigging. The question is, is there a mosque in the area you are still using the drum, because disaentero corners, has a lot changed with the Speaker.
Games / Art Bedug
1.Seni Ngadulag
Ngadulag art from West Java. Basically, the drum has the same functions as previously described. However, the drum beat of each region has differences with other regions, making it distinctive. Thus was born the term "Ngadulag" which refers to a drum beating skills. Now the skills of beating the drum has become an independent art form that is art Ngadulag (game drum). In areas Bojonglopang, Sukabumi, ngadulag art has become a competition to get the best drummers drum. The competition is divided into two categories, namely beauty and durability. The beauty of rhythm and put the drum beat of the rhythm, while the resistance put durability or how long the strength of beating the drum beat. The competition was participated by men and women. From this game the art of beating the drum had been developed. In the past, the art equipment consists of beating the drum only drum, kohkol, and trumpet. But now its equipment was developed. Besides those mentioned above, beating the drum now also equipped with musical instruments like guitars, keyboards, and cymbal.
2.Seni Rampak Bedug
Rampak drum is a percussion instrument dish, which ditingkahi drum sounds of various sizes. There are four red drum tied blue cloth, which was hit by a player standing in the middle. In the suburbs, the group chimed in with the drum music of various sizes. Occasionally the sound came from the mouth of the players, similar to inflatable musical sound. However, no dish wind instruments. That sound, harmonious sound between the drum and the vocal tradition said to each other. Art Rampak Bedug originated from the habit of slapping people around the village drum at dawn when the fasting month. Which is then used as a platform to compete hard hitting drum. As a result there was a meeting between them, clashing drum strength. Bantam Rampak drum dance is played by the mass. At first glance, his movements like a dance from Aceh.
Scrape 3.Bedug
Scrape the drum is the original art from Kampung Yudha Banten Province, Village Mander, Bandung District, Kabupten Serang. Scrape Bedug origins of this art is created when the country is broke down by the crisis, namely in 1998 which saw a shift of government from the New Order to the Reformation. At that time there were riots in which-where, burning, looting, kidnapping and so forth. People everywhere panic, worry and anxiety, the country was in a state of turmoil, Indonesia's economy crashed, unemployment is everywhere, the companies went bankrupt and many other negative impacts. Well, seeing that he was Mr. M. Nur Jufri sparked an idea that art in which its people have entertained, that were created Bedug Scrape, drum dancers who entertain the men berjoged the music drum and kohkol / kentongan using a mask and dressed in rags. That Bedug Scrape who was then the village could divert public unrest, especially Yudha Village, Village Mander. And until now, even Bedug Scrape still exist and continue to be preserved by various developments.

3.Bedug Wood Varnish

Largest drum inword
The world's largest drum inside the Masjid Darul Muttaqien, Purworejo. This drum is a great work of making the Muslims are commanded by the Duke Tjokronagoro I, Regent Purworejo first. Java was made ​​in 1762 or 1834 AD And named Kyai Begelan. Size or specification of this drum were: length 292 cm, 601 cm circumference of the front, around the rear of 564 cm, diameter of the front of 194 cm, 180 cm diameter rear. The beating of the drum part is made ​​from buffalo skin. Giant drum is designed as a "means of communication" to invite the congregation to be heard as far as the drum beat of passing as a sign of the times of prayer before the call to prayer echoed.

Function Bedug
Social function: the drum serves as a communication tool or marker activities of society, ranging from worship, signified danger, until the gathering of a komuntas marker. The function of aesthetics: the drum work in the creative world development, concepts, material culture and musicals.

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