Stomach Being reasons distended

Actual waist measurement is one method of assessing abdominal fat tissue. "The goal is to find out whether a person has been entered in the category at risk for obesity and metabolic complications," said Ralph Girson, SpPD, Progress of the Royal Hospital, Jakarta. These conditions increase the potential for metabolic syndrome such as diabetes mellitus (diabetes), hypertension (high blood pressure), dyslipidemia (disorders of blood fat / cholesterol), and can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and clogged arteries.
Abdominal circumference limits set by the WHO, for the Asia Pacific region is below 90 cm for men and below 80 cm for women.
The cause of the increase in abdominal circumference can be various kinds, among which are:
Lifestyle Factors
Improper diet is the main cause of the increase of abdominal circumference. Habits of life that is less activity and excessive food consumption of energy is required, making the rest of the calories stored as fat in fat cells.
Accumulate fat around the body, including the abdominal area, and will increase with weight gain and poor lifestyle.

These excess calories are stored in many foods low in saturated fat and high fiber. Foods such as processed meats, some types of margarine, fried food, especially with used cooking oil repetitive, canned vegetables, some snacks, cake of red meat, and much more.
Age Factors
Naturally, the activity decreased with age. Not only the activity is reduced, muscle mass would be reduced when the workout is less intense. This all lead to weight gain and abdominal circumference, especially the reduced activity is not offset by reducing calorie intake. The result, increasing age of increasing abdominal circumference.
Factor Genes / heredity
Some opinions say, if a parent or grandparent has a distended belly, then the potential to have a distended belly even bigger. In other words, people can tend to accumulate fat in the abdomen genetically. However, if you do not experience a radical weight gain, your midsection will not grow rapidly.

In addition, most men tend to store fat in the upper abdomen and pelvis (apple body shape), so it is said men are more likely to have a potbelly.

While most women before menopause tend to store fat in the lower abdomen, the thighs, hips, and buttocks (pear shape). After menopause, the more fat will be stored in the abdomen. This has been coded in genes and can not control where fat is stored. The only thing you can do is to avoid excess weight gain.
Alcohol factor
The phrase "beer belly" (beer belly) is not a myth. In fact, consuming too much alcohol can cause the body less efficient at burning fat. Fat even more buried in the body over time and consume alcohol habit that continues to run.
Factors Hormones
Increased stress in daily life such as lack of sleep, can cause increased belly fat. The lack of sleep increases the production of the hormone cortisol in the brain and increases the accumulation of abdominal fat.
The existence of Stomach Fat
A study by Lawson Health Research Institute said the appetite stimulating hormone and regulating the proportion of energy stored as fat, or neuropeptide-Y NPY is also produced by abdominal fat. NPY producing cells re perkusor fat cells, which then turned into fat cells.

It can be said, obesity became a kind of vicious circle in which a person eat more because the hormone NPY produced by fat belly. Whereas NPY cells also produce more fat to be stacked into abdominal fat.

And this is what needs to be avoided so that our stomachs so Buncit ga
Distended stomach is not dominated by people who are obese have a slim body but the person who can belly bulge.
You've seen people like this.
The cause of belly fat is actually there on a frequent favorite foods we consume. There are a few things so you avoid having belly fat:

1. Avoid eating too much salt. The salt causes the body to bind more water. As quoted by, the amount of salt consumed makes feeling sluggish, bloated appearance, plus the weight gain due to water absorption in the body a lot.

2. Limit foods that contain carbohydrates. In the body of carbohydrates is converted to glycogen or stored carbohydrate reserves for energy. Just like salt, glycogen also binds approximately three grams of water. And when glycogen is burned, then it may be what happens to our bodies is not it? So eating carbohydrates should be balanced with exercise to burn the glycogen in the body.

3. Avoid eating fried foods to excess. Fried foods are a food source that is rich in fat. By the body, fat is digested more slowly so easy to accumulate in the stomach.

4. Do not consume carbonated drinks. When consumed carbonated beverages, bubbles in the drink did not participate digested in the stomach, but will continue stored in the stomach. Thus, you can imagine what happens if the bubble continues to settle in the stomach, and undigested? yes, the belly.

So think good food will you eat, maybe the food will make your belly bulge.

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