Do You Know These Facts About Sound Healing?

By Michael Filson

Sound has a great effect on body and mind of the listener. In fact, you can feel emotionally moved and stimulated by a specific sounds or melodies. Healing sounds have also impact on a deeper level of metaphysical and spiritual existence of the listener. And it comes from vibrations of sound and powerful frequencies.

Sound has been considered by people as a link between humanity and the divine. There was a time in the history, where nearly all the mystery schools were teaching to use sound as a healing and creative force. The Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, East Indians, American Indians, Tibetans, Aztecs and Mayas considered the sound as the oldest form of healing and one of the most important parts of their teachings.

Even today, sound is a contributing factor to our self-awareness and state of being. There is a difference between the common sounds and use of sacred sound - the first create dissonance and the second produces wonderful harmony. We can learn to create balance and energize ourselves, simply by producing and addressing sacred sound through our energy centers to the physical part of body.

Recently, I've discovered the Solfeggio frequencies. They are a set of six specific tones that were at one time used in religious chants and hymns. These six tones are thought to be capable of deep healing on many levels. I've been experimenting with Solfeggio frequencies and the results are great. I feel relaxed and full of energy all the time.

It is true, that sound can heal, and we must make it an important and active part of our lives. We must play with music as we did as children. We can't only listen to it or use it to fill the silence in our existence.

We have to get a totally new perspective about sound healing. We need to understand that sound holds a key to all the wonders of human life.

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