Why You Can't Skip Breakfast If You Really Want Your Body To Change

By Katherine Crawford

Most people know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But what most people don't know are the exact physiological reasons for eating breakfast.

And to further complicate matters, many people simply have a giant glass of coffee instead of eating a balanced breakfast.

So here is why you have to have breakfast to get in shape:

1. To stabilize mood and brain function: Skipping breakfast puts you at a higher risk for developing depression. It also decreases mental performance. And keep in mind that a poor mood will make getting in shape seem like pushing a boulder up a hill.

2. To maximize body fat reduction: As body fat levels decrease, regenerative hormones in your body increase. Unfortunately, research has shown that skipping breakfast increases stores of body fat. So if you really want to get in shape, have breakfast every single day.

3. To protect your muscle mass: Right before you wake up levels of cortisol are peaking. And cortisol breaks down muscle tissue. The good news here is that you can bring cortisol levels back down by having breakfast soon after waking.

4. For better blood lipid levels: Blood lipids are one of the primary indicators for cardiovascular health. And skipping breakfast has been shown to worsen blood lipid levels. If you have a preexisting heart condition, this can be a very bad scenario.

5. To get more nutrients into your active tissues: If more nutrients are going to your active tissues, less nutrients are going to your fat cells. Unfortunately, skipping breakfast increases the amount of nutrients going to your fat cells.

6. To make your heart healthier: Having breakfast most likely reduces inflammation in your body. This in turn can make your heart healthier in addition to all of the aforementioned factors. In essence, having breakfast could be seen as a matter of life and death.

Skipping breakfast is a surefire path to weight gain and poor health. So absorb the above information and never skip breakfast!

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