Sad .. This is the man-eaters Wreck And Human feces

Wak Pak Music Alias ​​Balloon "Sumanto Origin Field" has a strange disorder, like to eat carrion and feces, like eating human corpses, but fear the criminal.

Unlike the Sumanto who like to eat a dead human body, aka Mr. Music Video Singgarimbun aka wak Balloon source (52) 'just' a hobby scavenging animals and human excrement. Residents Langkat, North Sumatra, rather than Hamlet Sepirak, Besadi Village, District Kuala it claimed to have 28 odd years of life. He admitted, at least once in two days, he ate the carcasses.

Apparently the residents in the surrounding areas have long known that the odd behavior of Mr. Music. Quoted from Metro Medan Pos (JPNN group) come to his house. Initially, he was busy sat back in his home dekt stall wall, lighting a cigarette. He was not wearing a shirt and wearing only a green sarong. After introducing himself and notify the purpose of the arrival of Metro Medan Pos, father of five children even this was silent for a moment but later took his guest into his house.

"Fine. We wrote to the house let good story, "he said, getting up from sitting. "This is our home. Inside and out, just wrote, "said Mr. Music pleasantries while developing a plastic mat on the porch. After allowing the seat, he occasionally stared at this reporter. "If the problem is, just now I just eat carrion dipingir river, is still etched on my hand (that ex-carcass-ed)," he said as he opened the palm of his right hand.

Although routinely consume carcasses of livestock or animals, but Mr. Music claimed there never was a problem with his health. Even thought, that was eaten carcass of a cure for his body. "As long as I eat the carcasses, it was never even my stomach hurt. This means that my health is never compromised, as well as eating feces, I still wrote good health, it's actually getting healthier, "he said lightly.

He claimed any animal carcass he'd ever eaten, ranging from chicken carcasses, rotting fish and other animal carcasses. "If I mention one single, maybe too much," he said. But definitely, he added, which is often eaten chicken carcass which has a lot belatungnya. "It feels really good to use cooked rice that is eaten," explains Mr. Music as he claimed earlier sometimes eat chicken carcasses with feathers. "

He himself admitted it quite strange unique habits. Therefore, when eating carrion and feces, but not even done in front of people, including family members. He said, felt sorry for my wife and children, who can not eat because look at the scene. When eating carrion or feces, carried by the river or the garden so as not to be seen by them. It is said, the carcasses are usually eaten with white rice.

He seemed to mind when asked a background that makes it behave strangely. As he adjusted his cloth, he said, "No story of my past. Because who wants to know, did I just eat carrion. That's all right? "He had to work like other normal people. But its interesting, he would open the story of the past once insisted.

The man who had half of this gray, had been working a successful ruler who had dozens of public transportation. Her story, one day, there is a valuable asset of the entrepreneur claimed missing. Without a strong foundation and evidence, Mr. Music is suspected as the culprit. Suspicions businessman, hearing his whispers rich. In fact later revealed, his partner was actually stealing the valuables. Although he has vowed repeatedly, the charge remains unchanged o.

He even told the businessmen that the thief is four people who were previously regarded as his best friend Mr. Music. But employers were not sure of the recognition of Mr Music. The reason, the person who allegedly had a lot of money. "Since then, I stopped working, 'the story.

However, the lapse of a few months later, Mr. Music was called again by the entrepreneur who megaku already know who the actual people who steal their assets. Since it was already hurt, Mr. Music no longer willing to work. Moreover, "I remember well the words chum the businessman who says, I am the poor there's no point living if you do not have science."

She could hear his friend's sentence, Mr. Music promised myself, someday, he will be useful to others. When the oath is, that's where Mr. Music took a piece of fried chicken meat that was rotten and then eat it. Since then, eating rotten meat or carcasses, no longer a problem for him. "If you eat a carcass, at least two days sekalilah," he added smiling.

Men who attended school only until grade 3 elementary school that was the story, the home of his parents in Kuta Buluh Semole, Tanah Karo, while Mr. Music himself born in Padang Bulan, Medan. he was the fifth child of eight children. Since no school again, Mr. Music live and grew from one village to another village. Even began life moving from one city to another city.

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