15 Myths About Baby Care And Toddlers

Talk about baby care from the first until now are endless. Each of us talked about caring for babies is always there-there are new we hear, both in terms of medicine or just a myth. Tips and myths we often receive from relatives, neighbors, parents, grandmother and grandfather. The following are bebarapa myths that many in the community, so we know right from wrong, so we have guidelines in caring for infants.

1. Hands and feet must be covered with gloves and socks
It's good if used as the cold or avoid the baby injured from a nearby object. If not with both of these objectives should not fitted with baby gloves and socks. Gloves and socks on the baby may hinder the development of baby's senses palpability.

2. Do not cut the baby nails before the age of 40 days
The ban is not true. If we forbid cutting the baby nails can be fatal. Nails can hurt the baby because the baby's face is usually scratching his face. The most dangerous is if the nail is injured corneas. This condition is difficult to cure, and may lead to defects in infants. It seems that the ban cut the baby nails for fear of skin cut off a finger babies come. To overcome these should cut the baby nails done with special scissors baby nail.

3. Before the age of 40 days and banned from bathing the baby in the afternoon.
Bathing the baby before 40 days is not a problem. Babies born after 6 hours was allowed a bath. If there is an opinion that the baby would have bathed the evening could have been accepted into the wind, but the baby's bath time can be arranged. Morning of the newborn or the first few months can be washed between the hours of 8 to 9 o'clock in the afternoon while can be seen in accordance with weather conditions. Baby should be bathed twice a day.

4. Forbidden to take the baby out of the house before the age of 40 days
The ban is not true. Babies can be brought to the outdoors as long as it considered the place to be visited. Usually in a place visited by many people there are many examples of disease germs malls and markets. Therefore do not take the baby to the mall or other crowded place before 1 year of age, because infants of that age are still susceptible to germs, let alone who were aged under 40 days.

5. Nose drawn so sharp
This way is not true, because there are no interesting effect nose to nose tip. Mancungnya someone influenced the form of nasal bone. Nasal bone is a congenital form. Either way, pull the top of the nose will not add mancungnya nose.

6. One-week-old infants were fed bananas and rice mixture that infants do not hungry
It is very wrong, because the baby does not have enzymes capable of digesting complex carbohydrates and fiber plants is so high. If you force it can result in babies with constipation. Important to note that the new baby can eat solid foods at 6 months.

7. Wearing a baby octopus that is not bloated stomach
This opinion is wrong. Octopus has nothing to do with flatulence. If your baby is wearing an octopus can lead to organ in the baby's body will lack the room. Abdominal wall is weak. It is important that the baby's organs and organs of the body is not in accordance with the abdominal cavity and chest cavity. Five months in the womb these organs continue to grow, but places are limited places available. It is recommended not to use the organs of the octopus in order to free the baby's body develops. In addition, wearing an octopus on the baby, can cause the baby did not breathe freely.

8. Navel weighted down with coins that are not bulging
If the baby's belly button is useless too Basar weighted down with coins. This can cause infection, because if the umbilical cord has not broken, germs of the coins can go directly into the body of the baby through the umbilical cord. It can be fatal to infants suffering from sepsis, the release of germs throughout the body. This condition can result in death.

9. Dibedong so that the feet do not pengkor
It is also totally wrong. Membedong baby can result in impaired blood circulation, and heart will work harder so the baby can suffer from respiratory diseases. Not only that with membedong can inhibit motor baby, because her arms and legs do not move freely. Membedong baby should be done when the baby shower, and even then if the air is very cold, and bedong in a loose state.
Parents often fear that the old days dibedong not baby's feet will take the form X or O. It is important in countries where adequate sunlight, we will not meet someone legged legged X or O. This condition is caused by a disturbance in the parathyroid gland. These glands function to regulate levels of calcium absorption and bone formation. If people who suffer from foot X or O dibedong not because as a baby.

10. Fear of washing your hair every baby shower, especially young babies
Fear of myths that they often heard that babies are frequently washed hair will easily catch cold. If you bathe your baby in a warm place in a closed room and the baby are healthy then the baby might not catch cold. Wash your hair every baby shower is always advisable, especially if baby is a lot of sweat or the baby is quite active. Familiarized infants should always wash your hair with shampoo in order to become a habit, but keep in mind use a shampoo that is intended for babies. If your baby grow up and not used to wearing as little shampoo then at some point will be difficult to wash.

11. The first breast milk should be discarded before the new can be given to infants
This is a wrong opinion. ASI never grows old while he remains in the mother's breast. The first drops of milk, yellowish, viscous liquid as if it were quite fresh, Colostrum is a very high content of antibodies that are good for the baby's body. The existence of a murky idea that breast milk as milk and dilute the quality is not good, but the color and clarity of milk can not indicate that the milk was bad. There have been many scientific facts that prove that breastfeeding is the best drink for babies, there is no single formula that can compete with nutrients.

12. new mothers are obliged to eat chicken and drink wine herbs in order to keep his body warm and its a lot of milk
Eat chicken wine and herbs is very dangerous for infants, because the effect on the nutrient content of breast milk and can cause jaundice. This has been examined by doctors and midwives, that mothers who consume chicken wine and herbs, infants who are breastfed will be yellow or in medical terms is called jaundice or hyperbilirubinemia. Infants who experience high levels of yellow would be harmful to eyes and skin and disrupt feared brain cells.

13. Forbidden to bathe baby if the cord has not broken
This opinion is very wrong. Babies should be washed after 6 hours from the time of his birth, the baby should be kept clean and always washed regularly twice a day. After the baby is washed then the cord should be cleaned dried and antiseptics such as povidone iodine.

14. Baby's head is not easy given the powder to cold
Powder has nothing to do with colds. Barbahaya powder in the baby if placed on his head. Powder is a good medium for bacterial growth. Usually infants are often infected with a cold because of adults infected with the kiss.

15. infants were given penghitam in eyebrows for infants increasingly clear vision
Penghitam eye has nothing to do with the clear vision of infants

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