Spiritual Counseling - You are Pure Consciousness

By Jason Lincoln Jeffers

To the materialist, consciousness is the awakened state of the mind, or more accurately described as the ability to think and be aware of one self. "I think therefore I am," is their axiom. Unconsciousness, from this same rudimentary perspective, is experienced when someone clubs you over the head with a baseball bat and you fall to the floor. Or more commonly, when you fall asleep at night. But this rudimentary perception of consciousness is not what I'm talking about here. Not even close.

Self, unity, or pure consciousness is the state of infinite intelligence, the field of unbounded wisdom, the place of limitless creativity. It is where the knower, the act of knowing, and the known unite into One. At this level, all form, feelings, perceptions, impulses, and thought completely dissolve. It is here where consciousness becomes conscious of it Self.

Once achieved by the soul, the ability to tune into pure consciousness is never lost. It may be temporarily forgotten but after the consequence of suffering reminds, Self consciousness is quickly regained. This is what is known as "enlightenment" or "Self-actualization," and becoming an enlightened One is very much like learning how to ride a bicycle--at first you fall a lot, but eventually you get the hang of it. It is here where your entire life becomes a peaceful, blissful meditation--where anything can be achieved through mere desiring. This is the state of the Next Human.

God is not out there somewhere. What we call God is right here, right now, if we can just learn to put the mind down. Furthermore, what we call God is not restricted to a single personality. This elementary concept of God by its very nature implies obedience to a specific doctrine that comes with that divine personality, and this only serves to bolster the ego. This perception of God must dissolve if we, as a species, are going to evolve into the Next Human. It would be closer to the truth to say that God is an infinite amount of personalities or what we call souls. A drop of water in an infinite ocean of "God" is a nice metaphor for the soul but even this does not accurately describe who you are. In truth, you are the awareness behind the veil of form, the awareness behind the body, the awareness behind the mind, and the awareness behind the soul. This is your true nature, the nature of God, the divine singularity, the Source of all that is. And because you are Source consciousness at your core, you are eternal and everlasting.

The Source of consciousness is not bound by space, therefore it is everywhere. The Source of consciousness is not bound by time, therefore it is eternal. The Source of consciousness is not bound by knowledge, therefore it is omniscient. The Source of consciousness is not bound by power, therefore it is omnipotent. The Source of consciousness can only be found in the eternal Now.

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