Indonesia, Poland & Monaco, who first used the red and white?

Polish flag consists of two horizontal lines with the same width, the top white and red bottom. Two colors are defined in the constitution of Poland as a national colors.

Red white and formally adopted as the national colors in 1831. This was based on the tinctures (colors) typical of the emblem of two constituent states Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, the White Eagle from Poland and The Pursuer of Lithuania, a white knight riding a white horse complete with a red shield. Before that, Polish troops taking combination various colors. National flag was officially adopted in 1919. Since 2004, Polish Flag Day was celebrated on May 2.

Monaco's national flag consists of two equal horizontal strips, red (top) and white (bottom). Colors Red and White has become a typical feature of The House of Grimaldi since at least 1339, but with the changing designs .. Two-color design was adopted on April 4, 1881, under the leadership of Prince Charles III.

The original flag of Monaco (shaped the same as the state flag of Monaco, but with a picture of the state symbol of the previous versions in between) has been used since the beginning of this kingdom stood, except for Monaco in the French-annexation in the period 1793-1814. The form is now a more modest start in use since 4 April 1881.

Indonesia's national flag, known as Sang Saka Merah Putih ("Red and White") is based on the flag of the Kingdom of Majapahit in the 13th century in East Java. The flag itself was introduced and officially hoisted in front of the world on Indonesia's Independence Day ceremony, on 17 August 1945. Flag design still remains the same until now.

The red color comes from the white flag of the Kingdom of Majapahit in the 13th century. Then, the colors were revived by the students and nationalists in the early 20th century as an expression of nationalism against the Dutch. Red-white flag was unfurled for the first time in Java in 1928. Under Dutch rule, the flag was banned from flying. This system is adopted as the national flag on August 17, 1945, when independence was declared and has been used since then.

There is also another story about an Indonesian flag, which was significantly associated with the Dutch flag. Under the Dutch colonialism, every business uses the Dutch flag (red-white-blue). While the flag of Indonesia banned. As a symbol of resistance against the Dutch, the Indonesian nationalist and independence movements tore the Dutch flag. They tore down the flag, and separate the red and white colors of blue. The main reason is because the blue on the flag of the Netherlands is understood as standing for the aristocracy of "blue-blooded". In contrast, the red color represents the blood shed in the War of Independence, while the white can be understood to symbolize the purity of Indonesia.

Its official name is the Red and White in accordance with Article 35 of the 1945 Constitution. This flag is also called Red and White Flag, The Dwiwarna, or Sang Saka Merah Putih. Heritage Flag is a flag hoisted in front of the house some time after he Soekarno proclaimed Indonesian independence on August 17, 1945. Heritage flag was sewn by Ms. Fatmawati Sukarno, and was raised every year in front of the presidential palace at the time of independence day ceremonies. However, because it was considered too fragile, Heritage Flag was flown for the last time on August 17, 1968.

Red means bravery, while white means purity. Red is the human body or the physical life, while white symbolizes the human soul or spiritual life. Together they stand for human complement.

Traditionally, most of the people of Indonesia have been using the red and white as their sacred color, color mixing sugar (red color comes from palm sugar or palm sugar) and rice (white). To this day, both of which are major components of daily Indonesian cuisine. Apparently, the people of the kingdom of Majapahit also uses this concept and is designed as a red and white flag.

Note: majapahit kingdom was established in 1293

In conclusion
Poland uses shades of red-white flag in 1831
Monaco uses shades of red and white flag in 1339 (and even then the design is still changing)
INDONESIA, using shades of red and white flag since the days of the Majapahit Kingdom was founded in 1293!

INDONESIA is a PERTAMAX use WHITE RED flag and never change the flag design. Despite frequent upheavals in the country, change the system of government, colonization by the imperialism, RED WHITE will still fly! MERDEKA!!

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  1. wuhahaha, ane uda serius baca bahasa inggris taunya nemu PERTAMAX dimari haha. Mantap gan infonya,sekarang ane jadi tau ternyata Indonesia yg pertama pake warna merah putih.

  2. hrusnya bhs eng smua gan, biar kesannya dtulis org asing yg mengetahui info tsb, jd makin top klo blogny ksbar luas

  3. Baca dari atas serius banget gw haha kirain tulisan asing

  4. Baca dari atas serius banget gw haha kirain tulisan asing

  5. Poland may not used the red white flag, but the colours were associated with Poland since the middle ages.


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