3 Tragedy Ever stir Indonesia Year 80s

1. Peter (mysterious shooting)

But two bullets lodged in his body immediately. One in the chest and one in the head. His body was then uprooted and left lying on the roadside. The next day, the whispers circulating in the community. He is Robert thugs that had been feared, scum, bromocorah!
Maybe fate bathi Mulyono is still better. Upon hearing him come into the target, he immediately fled to the number of overseas countries such as Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam. Leaving his wife and her newborn. However, bathi and his son who is now aged 25 years, Lita, have been reunited.
In the 1980s. At that time, hundreds of recidivists, especially in Jakarta and Central Java, was shot dead. The culprit was clear and was never caught, because it appears the term "petrus", the mysterious shooter. In 1983 alone recorded 532 people killed, 367 of whom died from gunshot wounds. In 1984 there are 107 people died, among them 15 people were shot dead. In 1985 recorded 74 people killed, 28 of whom were shot dead. The victims themselves when Peter found the people in the condition of the hands and neck bound. Most victims also put in a sack left on the roadside, in front of the house, thrown into rivers, seas, forests and gardens. Pattern making most of the victims were abducted by unidentified men and was picked up by security forces.
At that time, the tattooed man was ambushed by fear because it appears the rumors, petrus target tattooed man. The kidnapping and shooting of their alleged digging, thug, or a recidivist, later, recognized President Soeharto, as the initiative and under his orders. "This is a shock therapy," Suharto said in his biography, Suharto: Mind, Speech, and Action I.
The bodies were still alive when considered as criminals, thugs, bromocorah, the dig, and the robber who in history have always been marginalized, although tactically also often used. At the time of the mysterious shooter rampant, scholars, politicians and legal experts spoke. In essence, they pointed out that the punishment without trial is a serious mistake. Even so, according to Suharto, "He does not understand the real problem." Maybe it's not wrong to interpret that question Suharto as one who understands the real problem is herself.
Unfortunately, petrus only applies to petty thugs, they are robbed because of hunger. Unfortunately, petrus not apply to civilian ties, those who steal because they are greedy ...
2. Sengkon and Karta, An Irony of Justice

Five years is not a very short time. Moreover, to be spent in a freezing room called prison. Moreover, for an act which was never done. But Sengkon and Karta experience. To whom they should complain, if an institution called government can no longer be trusted? Because justice has never sided with Sengkon, also Karta, as well as those others, who called the little people.
Once upon a robbery and murder upon the husband-wife Siti Sulaiman Bojongsari Haya Village, Bekasi. 1974. Moments later the police scooped Sengkon and Karta, and set them as suspects.
Both are accused of robbing and killing the couple Sulaiman, Siti Haya. Do not feel guilty, and Karta Sengkon initially refused to sign the minutes of the examination. But because police could not endure torture, they then gave up. Judge Djurnetty Soetrisno more trusted than the police story rebuttal both defendants. Then in October 1977, sentenced to 12 years in prison Sengkon, and Karta 7 years. The ruling affirmed the High Court of West Java.
In the cold prison walls that they met an inmate named Genul, Sengkon nephew, who first imprisoned because of theft. This is where Genul open secret: he was the actual killer and Siti Sulaiman!. Finally, in October 1980, Gunel was sentenced to 12 years in prison.
Even so, it does not necessarily make them free. As they had to appeal, declared that the verdict was final and binding. Thank God for Albert Hasibuan, a lawyer and board member who actively fight their fate. Finally, in January 1981, Chairman of the Supreme Court (MA) Oemar Seno Adji ordered that they be released via the reconsideration.
Being outside the prison does not make them better fate. Karta have to see the bitter truth: his family topsy-turvy somewhere. And their homes and land area of 6,000 square meters in the village of Cakung Chedi, Bekasi, has collapsed to finance their case.
While Sengkon be hospitalized due to tuberculosis is getting worse, while the land that had he relied to support his family has also sold out sold. Land that sold his wife to feed her children and pay for itself when processed at the police and the courts. Although only bear the burden of a wife and three children, Sengkon impossible to continue his work as farmers, because of ill tuberculosis continue to undermine and too many scars on the body due to the torture dideranya.
Meanwhile Sengkon and Karta also filed claims for compensation of Rp 100 million to the judiciary sentenced him wrong. But the Supreme Court rejected the claim on the grounds Sengkon and Karta have never filed a cassation against the decision of the District Court of Bekasi in 1977. 'I just pray to die quickly, because there is no charge for living again' says Sengkon.
Then God's power over his will. Karta was killed in an accident, while Sengkon died later due to severe pain. That's where they can complain about his fate, only to God (various sources)
3. Arie Hanggara

Some say the capital is more cruel than a stepmother. But the stepmother of one is much more cruel. Arie Hanggara, this 7-year boy killed his own parents were persecuted. Events in late November 1984 it suddenly jerked the public's attention. Mass media to write at length. Membeludak trial. People want to know what kind of figure both parents Ari: Machtino bin Eddiwan and Santi bint Cece. Reconstruction should be done even husband and wife had almost failed because of the mass anger to the two prisoners.
Arie suddenly became a symbol of the oppressed children. Even to the extent that the defense team of parents Arie was terrorized from people who are not known. Minister of Education and Culture Nugroho Notosusanto had made ​​the statue Arie - though ultimately canceled - as a warning that similar cases do not recur in the future.
Due to crush the economic burden experienced by both parents, his father was an unemployed, with three children, makes dark eye. As a result he became a light hand. When one day accused of stealing money then Arie Hanggara beaten and tortured to meet death at the hands of people who should protect them.
The story of the boy ever appointed to the big screen by director Frank Rorimpandey, and starring Deddy Mizwar, Joice Erna.

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