Are There Alternatives To Hammertoe Surgery Manhattan Doctors Perform

By Rosemarie Harrell

Many people are afflicted by a genetic condition call hammertoe. This condition causes the second or middle toe to bend in a downward hooked position. Not all cases are genetic, some are due to years of wearing shoes that are too tight or short for a person's foot. When it condition occurs, many look to hammertoe surgery Manhattan doctors are performing.

What typically occurs is that the second or middle toe will begin to curl downward. This makes a lot of people uncomfortable about the look of their feet and they immediately start their search for someone to correct the problem. Often, once a doctor takes a look at it, they will suggest non-surgical options first. It the condition is not genetic, then it can be related to tendon this too tight, muscle weakness or arthritis.

If it is a tight tendon and it has not become fixated, then it is possible to correct the problem by non-surgical means. A doctor will see if they can physically straighten the toe and hold it flat. If they are able to, then they can use a special type of splint that will help to hold the toe in place until it is able to correct itself.

Additionally, exercises may be able to help in strengthening and flexing the tendons so they can heal themselves. By using the toes to actually pick up objects and move them across the floor, helps the tendons to stretch and become more flexible so they can lay flat.

Once these options have been tried and there is no improvement, then it may be necessary to have surgery to straighten the toe. It will take a couple months before the pain and swelling caused from the operation to go away. But it is usually just a few stitches to close the incision and the patient will be able to walk again in a couple days.

Doctors have been trained recently to do these procedures with very small incisions. Because of this these operations are done in the doctors offices. This helps to avoid any hospitalization, which helps keep the costs of the procedure down greatly.

If the alternative measures do not help, then hammertoe surgery Manhattan doctors offer may be the way to go. The pain involved after the procedure can be as painful as what is endured before, so consideration should be made before making the decision to do it. However, the chance of the condition returning is very rare after having the procedure done.

hammertoe surgery manhattan

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