Pay Attention to Diet and Nutrition

By Hugo E. Cercil

To build up your body, you need to eat four to six meals of small proportions that are high in protein and spaced out over a two to three hour span each day. This enhances your metabolism and reduces body fat.

A typical nutritious meal that helps you build your body would include a combination of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats and proteins; antioxidants are also vital because they improve the immune system.

Glutamine, an amino acid out of twenty amino acids that are encoded by the standard genetic code, is renowned for its potency in the treatment of depression because it serves as fuel for the brain and is therefore, a must have for anybody who battles with depression while trying to loose weight.

Having a teenager in the home can be a serious cause of concern or worry because teenager's eating habits tend to be erratic and it is extremely hard to monitor what kind of meals they eat; this problem can be solved with the purchase of dietary supplements that provide the nourishment their bodies need.

One way in which you can stop yourself from stuffing food down your throat is by getting a small bowl or plate which helps you not to pile up food and enhances your eating habits.

Statistically speaking, a link has been found between a deficiency in fatty acids and the occurrence of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). This fact only stresses the importance of fatty acids in meals.

Water has been known to be a natural and effective cure for back and joint aches as well as a decreasing factor in the rate of colon, breast and bladder cancer. Make sure that you drink at least, 5 glasses of water a day.

A balanced meal with adequate protein is important because protein helps to build up the tissues of the muscles thus resulting in leaner stronger muscles. Eat more of fish, beef, eggs and nuts to get leaner muscles.

Research has shown that pregnant women can get a high level of folic acid into them by eating high levels of the moringa tree. It has the highest bioactivity of folic acid.

To see if you are truly hungry when you start getting mixed hunger/thirst signals, get a cup of water, sip slowly and wait for five minutes. If you still feel hungry and less thirsty then you should go and eat. That is a signal that you are hungry.

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