Some Preventive Care For Your Pet

By Rosemarie Harrell

Preventing illness or injury is what preventive care is. This sort of care has been practiced among humans for centuries. It is not just for people anymore, it is practiced for our pets as well.

One important form of illness protection is getting your pet vaccinated. Parvovirus and distemper are very fatal and are very common. Vaccinations are available to prevent both of these types of illnesses. If a pet should contract either of these illnesses the costs for treating them can be very expensive. The cost of the vaccines used to prevent them are very inexpensive. Sometimes the pet can be become ill with these sicknesses even if they have received the vaccines, but the chances are much lower if they have received them. Certain diseases can be passed between humans and animals and are called zoonotic diseases. A well known type of a zoonotic disease is rabies. There is also a vaccine available to keep pets from becoming ill with rabies and it is very inexpensive.

Feeding pets the correct types of food can avoid many future health problems with them. Certain diseases are acquired by pets from eating the wrong foods, it is important to feed high quality dry foods to pets daily. A few things that can derive from a bad diet is obesity, arthritis, diabetes, skin fold dermatitis, and periodontal disease. Feeding a pet people food will increase the risk of a pet becoming diabetic or obese. Being obese often times leads the pet to become diabetic. By feeding the proper foods you can avoid these problems and save a lot of money that you will not be needing to spend in treatment costs. If left untreated, these diseases are possibly fatal.

Spaying and neutering your pet is extremely important. Having done at a young age they have less chance of developing bad habits like marking their territory which can ruin your carpet and furniture. Prostate cancer is very common in older unneutered male dogs. Unspayed females can develop mammary cancer as well as pyometra. Besides, you can avoid any unwanted litters of puppies which can be hard to take care of and find good homes for.

Take your pets to see the veterinarian at least once a year for a check up exam. The veterinarian should be able to see oncoming health problems of your pet. By seeing the warnings early, preventative measures can be started. Problems can also be caught early on by doing blood screening tests on your pet. Something that is physically unseen can often be seen in the blood work.

Preventing your dog or cat from developing bad teeth and gums is also important. Dental cleaning can be done to remove tarter and remove teeth that may be causing problems. Bad teeth and gums can lead to periodontal disease which will cause a lot of heart and kidney issues.

So, just like with people preventive care of your pet is key. It will give them a longer healthier life and keep money in your pocket. Check with your local vet for prices and further recommendations.

preventive care

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