Count St. Germain mysterious

In the midst of the development of philosophy and art in Europe in the 1700s, appeared a mysterious man who is believed to know everything and never dies.

The man was the Comte de Saint Germain or Count St.Germain. Many of the legends created around his life. Some believe that he is immortal man who has aged 2,000 years and even knew Jesus personally. Some say that he is the reincarnation of great men like Plato or Hesiod. There is another who believes that he is the same with Merlin, the wizard king Arthur's adviser, and more.
There is little that can be known from the life of St.Germain. Some people call it as a descendant of Alsatian Jews, Portuguese Jews, or even the king of Portuguese descent. He is fluent in various professions who lived: adventurer, inventor, herbalist, alchemist, pianist, violinist and composer.
He has a lot of jewels and gold he carried everywhere. In one occasion, he said if he has the ability to transform base metals into gold and are able to change some little gems into a larger gem. Not only that, he even claims to be able to transform ordinary rocks into diamonds.
The mysterious figure earned him a place so exalted among the adherents of occult theosophy who called him Master Rakoczi or Masters R, which is one of the Masters of ancient wisdom and eternal life believed to have powers like a god.
He first appeared to the public in 1743 in London and later in Edinburgh in 1745 where later he was arrested on suspicion of being spies. No single person who knows the origin or existence before the year 1743. This makes the speculation about his identity continues to evolve.
Horace Walpole, a famous British writer who later became his friend, mentioned in a letter written in 1745:
"On that day, they caught a strange man named Count St.Germain. He was in town for two years and he refused to say who he was and where he came from. However, he admitted that the name was not his real name. He could also sing and play violin very well. "
At his trial, the court could find no evidence that he was a spy, so he was released. Soon after, he earned a reputation as a great violinist who lived as a celibate ascetic (not married).
In 1746, he disappeared from the public for granted.

Count St.Germain - painting in 1745

12 years later, in 1758, he reappeared in Versailles, France. In those years, he managed to get into the palace and became a close friend of King Louis XV. He also frequently provides advice on healthy eating and sometimes give youth potion to the Royal Family. It is said that he gained influence in the presence of King Louis XV that had changed some small gemstones into one huge jewel which then makes its value increases.
To some who knew him, he claimed to have hundreds of years old, although physically he still looks like a man aged 40 years. In France, also revealed that he had mastered many languages ​​and has a vast knowledge of history. Influence the creation in France is quite big so great philosopher Voltaire once said that if Count St.Germain is the "man who knows everything and never dies."
In 1760, he left France for England because one of the French royal official named Duke of Choiseul who was envious of the closeness to the king ordered his arrest on charges of fraud.
From England, he went to Russia and settled temporarily in St.Petersburg. Incidentally, at the same time, the Russian military staged a coup against the king and put Catherine the Great as a queen. This led many to believe that St.Germain actually have a stake in the incident.
The following year, he appeared in Belgium, bought a plot of land and live with the alias name "Surmont." Then, he offers a method of dyeing cloth and herb oil to the empire. In this bidding process, he met with one of the ministers named Karl Cobenz Belgium.
To Cobenz, the Count reveals that he is a descendant of the king. Later, Cobenz admitted that he had seen the count to change a piece of metal into gold. It's quite interesting that a minister of the kingdom is not unusual to say something false.
Cassanova also never seen the famous Count transform metal into gold. One day, he visited the lab and gave the Count an ordinary metal coins. Not long after, he saw that a metal coin has turned to gold.
Now, people began to know him as an alchemist who was a descendant of the king. However, everything about this man is still vague and mysterious.
Then, he disappeared again for 11 years.
1774, he resurfaced in Bavaria by using the title of Count of Tsarogy. Here he met one Bavarian nobleman named Freherr Reinhard Gemmingen.
Two years later he appeared in Germany and calls himself Count Welldone, and again offered recipes cosmetics, wine, drinks, treatment of bone, and ivory paper to the kingdom.
In the presence of the king Frederick, he was admitted as a member of Freemasonry, and claiming to have the ability to transmute base metals into gold. He was given shelter at the residence of Prince Karl is also a member of Freemasonry, and where he studied herbal medicines to give to the poor. He lived in this place until that is officially regarded as the year of his death.
Although it has been known in many circles, the Count's life is still shrouded in mystery.
One day, the Count said to a bunch of his friends: "Who among you has ever seen me eat?"
None raised a hand. They are often seen Count sitting at the table with his friends, but they admit that the Count never touch the food presented.
People around him are becoming increasingly convinced that the Count has discovered the secret of the Elixir of Life. To them, the Count is also often said if he had hundreds of years old and had lived in the ancient Chaldeans and know the secrets of the masters of Egypt.
In another occasion, the Count was sitting at a table with friends as he tells the history of the world hundreds of years ago. For a moment, he paused, then turned to his servant and asked: "Is there anything I miss?"
Unexpectedly, the waiter said: "Sir, you forgot that I had to stay with you for 500 years so I was not present at that event. Perhaps my predecessor who knows it."
After years of living a wonderful life in Germany, an unexpected incident occurred in 1784.
On February 27, 1784, Count St.Germain was in his castle in Eckenform when he called suffering from pneumonia and died. His death was witnessed directly by doctors.
His reputation is known as an alchemist to make a lot of people doubted if the Count had died in Eckenform himself never found a single tombstone bearing his name.
Might have a point if the count has not died that year because there is an official document of Freemasonry which mentions that in the year 1785, the French branch of Freemasonry has chosen him as their representative in a convention held in that year together with Mesmer, Saint-Martin, and Cagliostro ( which is also believed to be the alchemist and eternal life).

Count St.Germain - Paintings from 1784

Not only that, in 1789, appeared in court St.Germain called Russia and welcomed the queen alone. Then in 1789, five years after his death, the Comtesse d'Adhemar saw her and admitted having a long conversation in the Church Recollets.
In the Comtesse, he gave his prediction that the queen Marie Antoinette would have been killed by a pathetic and the royal family would fall apart. Having said that he would go to Sweden to investigate the king Gustavius ​​III and try to prevent a major crime.
According to the Comtesse, face and appearance St.Germain looks like someone who just turned 30 years.
Then, in 1790, Franz Graeffer, an Austrian friend who claimed to receive a letter from the Count, which reads:
"Tomorrow night, I'll go again. I needed in Constantinople, then I'm going to England to prepare for the two discoveries that will you have in the next century, the railroad and steamship. At the end of this century, I would disappear from Europe and go retreat to the Himalayas. I'll berisitirahat, I had to rest. "
No one knows for sure where it goes next year. The next appearance is known from records Comtesse d'Adhemar who have previously met her in 1789.

In 1821, Comtesse d'Adhemar writes:
"Every time I see it, I'm always amazed. I met him when the queen was murdered on the 18th Brumaire, and I went back in to meet her one day after the death of the duke of d'Enghien in January 1815 and also once again on the night of the death of the Duke de Berry."
In 1821, Mademoiselle de Genlis also met with St.Germain admitted during negotiations in Vienna. This testimony is confirmed by the Comte de Chalons.

Is it true St.Germain still alive in that year?

Many people believe that.

In the years after 1821, a British writer named Albert Vandam said if he ever met a mysterious man who is similar to the Comte de Saint Germain.
"He called himself Major Fraser. He lived alone and rich. He also has extensive knowledge of Europe and on several occasions, he said if he was familiar with Nero and had spoken with Dante."
Just like St.Germain, Major Fraser also looks like a man aged 40 years and just disappeared in subsequent years. Interestingly, in 1820, a person named Maj. Fraser published a book that tells about his journey to the Himalayas where he managed to reach Gangotri, the source of the holiest of rivers Ganga and bathe there. This corresponds to a letter written to his friend Count. Thus, many believe that Major Fraser is actually the Count himself.

In 1835, the Count called up again in Paris, then in Milan in 1867 and in Egypt in subsequent years. Napoleon was even called once met him and still keep a record about it.

After that, one named Annie Besant Theosophical leader claims that he met St.Germain in 1896 where his teacher taught him a variety of wisdom.

Theosophy other members named CW.Leadbeater also claims St.Germain met in Rome in 1926. Leadbeater said that at that time, St. Germain showed him a cloak that used to be one of the Roman emperor.

Theosophy other members named Guy Ballard also claimed to have met the Count. However, his testimony this time a little different because Ballard claims that Count introduced him to visitors from Venus. Ballard even wrote a book about it.

If the view of life, then there really is not that strange of Count St.Germain. He may indeed descendants of the king who has many skills, like disappearing for several years and has incredible charisma. The only mystery that there it is just the rumor that he was an alchemist who is able mengobah base metals into gold (Philosopher's Stone) and have discovered the secret of long life (elixir of life).

Annie Besant had conducted an investigation of him and he believes that St.Germain is the son of the prince of Transylvania Racoczi named Francis who was exiled by the monarchy. This opinion is confirmed by the fact that one of the kids who grew up Racoczi prince by the royal family left Austria to the Austrian. Another writer named Raymond Bernard believes that the Count is actually Francis Bacon who also believed as the man who wrote using the name of Shakespeare.

Still, there is nothing strange with it.

Some researchers are skeptical to believe that the legend of Count exaggerated. Rumors about his prowess could have spread because of the issues that exhaled a lot of people who knew him.

For example, not long after his death, a British comedian named Milord Gower began mimicking the character count in his stage act. Can not be denied if he put more emphasis on the satirical side than the facts, for example by saying that the Count is an alchemist who lived perennial, and even knew Jesus.

Rumors like this may have caused a personal cult of the Count. Cult is then switched on again by the esoteric whose members wrote many books about this man. However, the same as other mysterious figures in history, we may never be able to confirm his identity, entahkah he was a swindler, a spy, magician or really an alchemist who has found the secret of the Elixir of Life.

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